Tuesday 7 June 2016

8 Ways Green Tea Is Beneficial To Your Health

Green tea was first brewed in China in 2737 BC according to legend, and gradually spread to other parts of Asia. It has come to gain so much popularity in recent years as one of the world's healthiest drinks because it contains natural chemicals called polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants which posesses anti-inflammatory and carcinogenic properties. Also, it contains a powerful compound EGCG (Epigallo catechin Gallate)which has been studied to treat various diseases. It also boosts the immune system and protects the body from free radicals.
    It is produced from the leaves of a plant Camellia Sinensis, from which black and oolong teas are also made, but the difference is that it does not undergo the process of withering and oxidation like the other two. Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks you can include in your daily life,
Below are some of the benefits you can reap from drinking

1. It Burns Fat And Aids In Weight Loss:

     A cup of Green Tea contains about 24-40 mg of Caffeine less than a cup of coffee (100-200 mg) but enough to produce an effect to regulate fat absorption because it is a stimulant notable to that effect. It also improves exercise performance by mobilizing fatty acids from the fat tissues transforming them to be used as energy leading to decrease in body fat especially in the abdominal section. It also improves arthritis by reducing inflammations. In a study which was performed on ten men, it increased energy expenditure by 4%, while another indicated that fat oxidation was increased by 17% which revealed that green tea may increase fat burning in the short term though it may vary with different individuals.

  2. It Can Boost The Mood:

     According to Anxiety Boss, Green Tea raises energy levels, refreshes and increases alertness as well as creativity. It contains the amino acid L-Theanines which are believed to combine with caffeine to improve brain function, reduce symptoms of anxiety, alleviates the mood and make you feel better.

3. Protects The Heart And Helps Promote Long Life:

   It is said that people who drink green tea on a daily basis have a 28% lower risk of coronary artery disease than people who don't. Studies which involved observation of green tea drinkers revealed that they have low tendency to have cardiovascular disease up to the rate of 31%. Total and LDL or 'bad' Cholesterol is lowered and LDL particles are protected from oxidation. If green tea fights Cancer and heart disease which are the major causes of death, it is possible that it can help you live longer.

4. It Can Relieve Stress:

    It contains the chemical L-Theanine which has a calming effect to stress. So if you are feeling stressed get sipping

5. It Can Calm An Upset Stomach:

    Each cup has 30 mg of caffeine which is said to relieve bloating, settle your stomach and suppress abdominal gas.

6. It May Help Fight Cancer:

   Cancer is caused by an uncontrolled growth of cells. Though researchers have disputed the effects of green tea on cancer, it is said that it can not directly prevent cancer, it contains high amounts of Catechins the antioxidants that fight and can prevent cell damage. An observational study carried out on some women found that they had 22% lower risk of developing breast cancer.Another study which was on men who drink green tea revealed that they had a lower tendency of developing prostrate cancer by 48 percent.
  For Colorectal Cancer i. e Cancer of the colon, rectum or bowel, according to Authority Nutrition a study of 69,710 Chinese women found that green tea drinkers had a 57% lower risk of Colored talk Cancer.

7. It Protects The Brain And Lowers Risk Of Alzheimers and Pakinsons Disease:

   Green tea improves brain function in the short term as well as protect it in old age because it contains Catechins - bioactive compounds which protects the neurons and may minimise the risk of both Alzheimers and Pakinsons, the two disorders which are more common with the old.

8. Reduces Inflammatory Skin Diseases:

   Green tea is said to treat skin disorders such psoriasis and dandruff. According to a study in 2007 based on animals inflammatory disease often characterised by patches of dry , flaky,red skin caused by inflammation and over production of skin cells. Animals treated with green tea revealed a slower skin cell growth and presence of a gene that regulates the life cycle of the cells.

 My dear readers now that you know of the benefits of green tea, go ahead and drink up to three cups a day to reap all the goodness it has to offer you but remember not  to add milk because it may reduce the antioxidants power. It can be made hot, cold, warm, with lemon or with crushed fresh ginger just the way I like it * wink *

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